Monday, July 25, 2011

Google Plus Mass Deletion of Accounts?

According to
A striking number of Google+ accounts have been deleted in the last 24 hours as the new social network struggles with its community standards policy around real names

Bill Noble writes,

To be clear, the stories we’re hearing so far are of people being suddenly frozen out of EVERYTHING, all their data and resources, not just one or a few Google functions. Given who we early adopters are, even a few more days of this unreasonable behavior could abort the whole G+ effort.
Others are indicating uneven application of punitive measures:

When my account was suspended it was only my profile. I could still get to Documents, Calendar and Gmail. My G+ Stream was still updating, I just couldn’t post to it.

Madge Weinstein just tweeted,

Just happened to me- but they not only suspended gplus, but rather all google services incl gmail! The notice just said i violated TOS- nothing specific. Read Full ZDNET Article

It seems that Google Plus was NOT kidding about people having to use their real names. I just came across this article on ZDNET that is claiming Google Plus went all Xbox Live on its users last night and started deleting accounts with pseudonyms. This is crazy, IMO. Some of us, don't want everyone (employers, stalkers, trollers) to be able to track our internet movements. By throwing your real name out there, companies can watch what you do. This is my belief, and the reason why I don't use my real name on Facebook. I don't mind Google telling me I can't use a pseudonym and use Google Plus, I'll just remove myself from their social network, cool beans right? But from what I'm reading, Google may also be suspending Google accounts because of this (gMail, gReader, gEverything). People are also saying that having multiple G+ accounts due to multiple Gmail accounts is getting them suspended.

I don't know if that's true or not, but if it is, this has to be The Rapture!


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