Friday, February 11, 2011

I may be sinner but my foes want coup: Berlusconi - World -

I may be sinner but my foes want coup: Berlusconi

IF Mr. Berlusconi had been a loyal-without-a-second-thought LEFTIST... he wouldn't be facing this private-life-obsession from the LEFT.

Nor his ouster based on stuff he does in private that has nothing to do with how he does his job.


Why is it ok for guys like Bill Clinton to be total cads, whereas non-left-wing guys must be exposed and deposed if they're imperfect?

Seeing things as they apparently are... is NOT a mental disorder, NOR will it cause one to become paranoid.

Refusing to see patterns in empirically-observed reality... THAT is a mental disorder.

Inability or refusal to see the double standard between how left-wing pervert politicians are treated and how right-wing pervert ones are treated... THAT is a mental disorder.

Perhaps Mr. Berlusconi can be a douchebag sometimes.  Ok, he is sometimes.

But then again, so are the leftists.  Like Obama.

But the Left and Lamestream Media don't try to destroy leftists like Clinton and Obama.

They only target non-leftist politicians, opportunistically making hay out of every indiscretion...

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