Tuesday, June 29, 2010

telegraphjournal.com - CSIS warning of foreign infiltration rings true | Miron Rezun - Breaking News, New Brunswick, Canada

 You never know, because you can't tell.
They may not even look Chinese, either.

telegraphjournal.com - CSIS warning of foreign infiltration rings true | Miron Rezun - Breaking News, New Brunswick, Canada

Yup.  Chinese Communist Spies.  Oh, crap, crap, crap!

The monumentally evil Chinese Communist regime's powerful, coercive tentacles reach far and wide, including into Canada, as well as squeezing everyone at home...

There's far, far more going on than meets the eye. Remember, just because you haven't been told, doesn't mean it isn't so. Oh, wait! NOW you've been told. ...Hope you don't "not-care", because you should realize the critical gravity of consequence... AN EYE-OPENING READ.

 And, nope, CSIS does NOT stand for "Canadian Sentinel Intelligence Service".  The Sentinel prefers to simply be called "Canadian Sentinel" or "Sentinel" or "CS".  Some dumb assholes call me "Scenty".  Dunno why, but their nickname spelling stinks.  Hell, maybe some of those trolls are Chinese Communist Spies, eh!  LOL

Seriously, this stuff is a serious problem because politicians like, say, Obama, are being influenced, having foreign agents whisper into their ears, directing their decisions...

You can tell where Obama's loyalties lie by the gestures, the body language...

Yup.  Fidel has openly approved of Obama.  Why?  Because it takes one to know and to understand one, and to approve of one.  Duh.

And don't forget who, in turn, endorsed and approved of Fidel...

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